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Why Companies Lose or Win Strategic Sales

AskForensics' Rick Reynolds Shares Research Into the Root-Causes of Lost Sales and How You Can Avoid Them

Why did your sales team lose that last big deal? Is there anything your sales team could have done differently? What about the last big sale your team won? Are there winning strategies your team used that could help win the next deal? In this research report, you will learn:

  • What analysis of over $6 billion worth of deals can teach you about why companies win and lose sales.
  • The five most common and costly reasons buyers cite for why companies lose new sales opportunities.
  • Three things your sales teams need to get much better at if they really want to win more and lose less.
  • Five recommended actions your sales operation can take to more effectively combat the root-causes.

This research is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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