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Beyond Reporting with Sales & Pipeline Analysis

Strategies for Getting Beyond Reporting to Drive Improved Sales Performance At-Scale

Performance reporting is the first phase of nearly every sales and pipeline analysis effort. But to actually improve overall sales performance in a big way, reporting alone simply can't get you there. In this 4-part recorded training session, you will learn about:

  • Making the transition from performing descriptive analytics to diagnosing problems, opportunities, and root causes.
  • Focusing your improvement efforts on the small handful of performance metrics with the most leverage on results.
  • Two powerful ways to stratify and segment your deals to glean insights and identify improvement opportunities.
  • Adopting the proper mindset and approach to get your team to embrace your findings and make better decisions.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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