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Salespeople Aren’t the Worst Messengers

Everyone seems to understand the importance of effective messaging between a salesperson and a prospect. Everyone seems to recognize how everything can fall apart in that “last mile” if salespeople aren’t delivering effective value propositions. And as a result, there seems to be a lot of focus and attention on ensuring that salespeople are well-equipped to have those conversations and deliver those messages.

But what about all of the other sales messages that prospects are being exposed to? You know…the messages that reach far more prospects than your sales team could ever hope to reach?

Here are some facts:

  • Your website is being viewed by prospects that will draw conclusions before ever talking to a salesperson.
  • Your press releases and product announcements are being read by prospects that will never take the next step as a result.
  • Your whitepapers or datasheets are being consumed by people your sales team will never have the opportunity to convince.

When it comes to effective sales messaging, your human messengers are critical, to be sure. But it’s important to remember that they aren’t your only messengers, and they probably aren’t your worst messengers, either.

The simple truth is that your marketing materials are like an army of thousands of little “pre-sales” reps delivering messages to your prospects—often well-ahead of any human interaction. And as such, these messages can often determine whether your human sales reps are even going to get a shot at communicating and capturing maximum value.

So, as you work to improve the effectiveness of your sales messages, be sure to include your marketing materials in that effort—marketing materials tend to reach a lot more prospects, and you want them to be working with you, not against you.

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