In Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back, Master Yoda trains Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Jedi. Students of an ancient religion, the Jedi masters wield the light side of the Force, a mystical energy field that allows them to move objects, see the future, and control minds.
But Luke is curious about the dark side of the Force. He asks if it is stronger than the light side. “No, no, no,” Yoda tells him. “Quicker, easier, more seductive.”
If the Force has a corollary in modern B2B organizations, it would be AI and automation. With modern sales platforms, teams can churn out reports, dashboards, and insights at lightning speed with just a few mouse clicks. It truly seems magical.
But just like the Force, this power has a dark side.
Not all data is useful. And the fact that you can analyze it doesn’t mean you should.
This dark side of automation is quick, easy, and seductive. It’s so easy to create more and more reports.
However, this overflow of reports isn’t generating any real value. Just the opposite, in fact. The time it takes your staff to read and digest these reports, saps mental energy that could be used in much more productive ways.
How to defeat the dark side
If you want to stay on the side of the light, you have to stay away from broad, easy analysis. Instead, focus on the questions that are more difficult to answer but far more consequential. Questions like
- Which accounts are showing signs of defection?
- Which customers could be buying more, but aren’t?
- Which deals are stuck in the pipeline, and why?
- Which customers have reduced their spending over the past quarter?
- Which reps are closing deals faster than average–what are they doing differently?
- Are there customer segments where competitors are winning more often?
Finding the answers to these questions leads naturally to actionable steps that you can take to improve your business. It helps you focus the sales team on the places where they can have the most impact.
How do you find the answers to these questions? We have some resources that can help explain the process:
- Developing Effective Sales Dashboards
- Predictive Sales Analytics
- Building a Data Driven Sales Operation
- How to Maximize Cross-Selling and Up-Selling
- Moving the Meaty Middle
Sales automation can be a tremendously powerful tool—but only when you use it thoughtfully. The key is to focus on what questions your data is answering, rather than getting lost in the sheer volume of reports and metrics. By curating data, asking the right questions, and tying reports directly to actionable insights, you can avoid data overload and drive more meaningful results for your sales team.
And it can do wonders for your career too.
May the Force be with you.