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Are They a Price Buyer or a Poker Player?

Nelson Hyde of Holden Advisors on How to Tell When a Buyer Is Bluffing About Needing a Lower Price

It's easy to assume that when a buyer says they need a lower price, they really mean it. But while it may be easy, this assumption is also extremely costly --- because very often, the buyer is actually bluffing. In this expert interview with Nelson Hyde of Holden Advisors, you will learn:

  • The tell-tale signs, characteristics, and behaviors that can help you identify Poker Players and true Price Buyers.
  • Straightforward strategies and techniques for calling a Poker Player's bluff and getting them to show their hand.
  • Three ways that misidentification of Poker Players and Price Buyers can hurt you---now and into the future.
  • Proven methods for arming your salespeople with the knowledge they need to negotiate deals with confidence.

This interview is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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