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Developing a Winning Sales Operations Roadmap

How to Create an Effective Plan for Making Sales Ops a More Strategic Function

For getting beyond the tactical firefighting and transforming Sales Ops into a truly strategic function, good intentions simply aren't nearly enough. You need a plan. Of course, crafting an effective Sales Ops roadmap isn't easy and it requires a thoughtful approach. But that's where our research into leading sales operations can be a big help. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • The five main areas your roadmap will need to address to be on-par with the leading Sales Ops teams.
  • How to leverage a "dual track" roadmap to ensure longer-term initiatives aren't falling through the cracks.
  • Balancing the day-to-day, tactical requirements with the more strategic aspects of Sales Operations.
  • The top tips, suggestions, and "gotchas" to be aware of as you develop and execute your roadmap.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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