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Five Performance Boosters of Follow-On Sales

Learn How a Shift in Focus Can Increase Your Close-Rates, Shorten Sales-Cycles, and Improve Your Margins

While the acquisition of new customers is certainly important for feeding the sales machine, it might not the best place to focus your attentions if you really want to see dramatic improvements in sales performance. In this guide, you'll learn about:

  • How a primary focus on new customer acquisition can actually hurt close rates, margins, cycle times, etc.
  • How follow-on sales can have a positive influence on five different dimensions of overall sales performance.
  • How the "incumbent dynamic" that usually works against you can be turned to your advantage for a change.
  • How relatively small shifts in where you look for more sales can provide a big boost to your sales metrics.

This guide is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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