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How to Avoid Sales Compensation Gotchas

Exposing the Problems with Various Compensation Schemes and Exploring Potential Solutions

While no variable compensation approach is ever going to be perfect, if you're aware of the potential ramifications and problems, you stand a much better chance of crafting a structure that minimizes the unintended consequences. In this guide, you will learn about:

  • The most straightforward sales compensation strategy...that also happens to be the most costly and damaging.
  • The intuitive compensation "solution" that really doesn't address the heart of the problem to the degree people think.
  • The biggest mistake that far too many companies are still making with their sales compensation programs.
  • Four different sales compensation strategies and approaches that are being leveraged by leading companies.

This guide is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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