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Whether you have specific questions about building a more effective B2B sales operation—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the SellingBrew Playbook makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • What are the different types of sales training we need to be aware of?
  • By tightening-up our targeting criteria, aren't we shrinking our sales potential?
  • What is a "Steady State" customer defection and how do I spot it?
  • Why shouldn't we just focus our attention on our largest customers?
  • Aren't people usually the root-causes behind most sales and marketing problems?
  • To be most effective, which major growth drivers should we be focusing on?
  • How do we identify all the elements that go into the cost of a fully loaded sales headcount and determine what their sales yield needs to be?
  • What's the difference between lead generation and cultivation?
  • What are the different buyer types we might be negotiating with?
  • Is speaking about loss avoidance really more powerful than highlighting upside gains?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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More Subscriber-Only Resources From Our Library

  • Finding Margin Leaks in Your Sales Processes

    Of course, every sale is the result of a process. And with any process, the quality of the final product is influenced by the raw materials. This diagnostic helps improve revenues and margins by identifying the root-causes of erosion in your sales processes.

    View This Diagnostic
  • Four Ways to Get More Out of Sales Analytics

    Contrary to the hype, analytical toolsets don’t provide significant benefits right out-of-the-box. This video guide reveals powerful strategies for producing more meaningful results from your sales analytics efforts and investments.

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  • Preventing Bad Deals Before They Happen

    After-the-fact corrective actions will do little to prevent the bad deals from happening again. Stop treating the symptoms. This diagnostic shows how to identify and correct the underlying root-causes of problems and issues.

    View This Diagnostic
  • Using Peer Pressure To Improve Your Margins

    Fixing poor pricing and discounting practices can seem futile. And playing bad cop isn't much fun. This tutorial shows you how to build a "system of influence" that gets your salespeople to police their own pricing and discounting behaviors.

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  • Sales Ops Productivity Boosters

    Under the current clouds of economic uncertainty, most teams are being asked to do even more with even less. So how do you make the most of what you've got?

    View This Webinar
  • The Sales Capability Self-Assessment

    To identify areas for improvement and help gauge the efficacy of your company’s strategic and tactical sales capabilities, simply answer the 190+ questions in this self-assessment as truthfully and objectively as possible.

    View This Tool
  • Beyond Reporting with Sales & Pipeline Analysis

    To actually improve overall sales performance in a big way, reporting alone simply WILL NOT get you there. This recorded training session shows you how to make the transition from reporting to true sales and pipeline analysis that can drive improved sales performance at-scale.

    View This Webinar
  • Demonstrating the Value of Sales Operations

    As a relative newcomer on the corporate landscape, Sales Ops often struggles to secure resources and investment. In this on-demand webinar, learn about quantifying and communicating the impact and contribution of your Sales Operations team.

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  • Strategies and Tactics for Boosting Your Close Rates

    Most B2B companies would like to improve their close rates. On nearly every sales research study ever conducted, something to the effect of "improve our win rates" shows up as a top priority or objective. But what are they really doing to make it happen?

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