
Subscriber-Only Interview

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Keeping Your Customers After You’ve Acquired Them

Rick Reynolds of AskForensics Discusses His Research Into Why Customers Defect to the Competition

In many highly-concentrated B2B markets, it's the ability to actually retain the customers you've acquired that will determine your long-term success. In this informative interview with Rick Reynolds of AskForensics, you'll learn:

  • Why relying solely on your front-line account teams for account intelligence can miss a lot.
  • The best time to think about account retention and the mindset that can make a difference.
  • How "no news" is not always "good news" and why customers may hide their true intentions.
  • How to identify vulnerable and damaged accounts, turning them around before it's too late.

This interview is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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