
Subscriber-Only On-Demand Webinar

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Managing Successful Sales Ops Projects

Strategies that Minimize Risk and Maximize Success for Sales Ops Initiatives

Bringing new initiatives to fruition in established companies is rarely a cakewalk. The reality is that wherever there's a "status quo" that's been in place for a number of years, it's going to be a challenge to make meaningful changes. So how do we successfully implement new sales processes, procedures, and technologies in this kind of environment? How do we manage our projects to maximize our odds of success and minimize the chances of failure? In this subscriber-only webinar, you will learn about:

  • Designing the rollout of a new initiative to reduce operational disruption and boost momentum.
  • Anticipating stakeholder objections, dealing with internal conflict, and neutralizing organization resistance.
  • Building and managing the most effective project team possible for the particular initiative at-hand.
  • Avoiding the pitfalls that have disrupted, delayed, and even destroyed other practitioners' projects.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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