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Moving the “Meaty Middle”

Boosting the Performance of the Reps Who Make Up the Bulk of Your Sales Team

Understandably, the "superstars" in sales---the salespeople who consistently blast through their targets and set a high bar for everyone else---tend to garner a lot of internal attention. For most Sales Ops teams, however, the primary focus should be on improving the performance of the middle-of-the-road salespeople who comprise the majority of the team. By working to move the "meaty middle" in systemic ways, Sales Ops can produce significant performance improvements that are much more consistent and scalable over time. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • The five primary benefits of focusing on the 60-70% of the sales team that constitutes the "meaty middle".
  • How to measure and monitor the performance of this group of salespeople in credible and actionable ways.
  • The real role the sales superstars should play in your efforts to improve and optimize the overall sales machine.
  • Ten strategies, tactics, and techniques for making your "typical" salespeople more effective and productive.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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