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Whether you have specific questions about building a more effective B2B sales operation—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the SellingBrew Playbook makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • What kinds of things should a Sales Ops group be focusing on?
  • Is speaking about loss avoidance really more powerful than highlighting upside gains?
  • Isn't the point of analytics all about identifying outliers and taking action to make sure they don't happen again?
  • By tightening-up our targeting criteria, aren't we shrinking our sales potential?
  • What are some good next steps to take once we've gleaned some solid insights about our competitive set?
  • What's a "bounce-back" offer and when would I want to use one?
  • How Should a Sales Ops Function Be Structured?
  • When conducting research interviews, how many should we try to conduct?
  • Why don't great salespeople make great sales managers?
  • What's the problem with using BANT for prospect qualification?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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More Subscriber-Only Resources From Our Library

  • Shift Your Customer Mix to Improve Performance

    In this video session, learn how to go about shifting the mix of customers you sell to on a regular basis to improve revenues, margins, close rates, and repeat sales…all at the same time

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  • Maximizing the Effectiveness of Inside Sales

    In recent years, inside sales has been changing dramatically and leading teams are now playing a much more strategic role. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn new strategies and tactics for boosting inside sales' performance and contribution.

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  • Making Sense of Revenue Operations

    Revenue Operations is a hot topic and a growing function. What does Sales Operations really need to know about it? And how can the principles and practices be leveraged to improve overall performance?

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  • Leading Edge Account & Territory Planning

    Sales planning is often perceived as not much more than tactical busywork. In this on-demand training session, you'll learn how innovative sales operations are taking a radically different approach to identify untapped growth opportunities and develop prescriptive account and territory plans.

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