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Why Sales Ops Initiatives Fail

Avoiding the Mistakes and Missteps That Have Derailed Other Sales Ops Initiatives

It isn’t easy to take a Sales Ops initiative from “idea on paper” all the way through to being “fully operational and generating meaningful results.” As if the project’s deliverables aren’t complicated enough, there are a variety of organizational hurdles that also have to be navigated. And frankly, some initiatives just don’t make it—they either struggle to produce worthwhile results or they fail outright. How do we avoid making the same mistakes? In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • Our observations after studying a number of Sales Ops initiatives that just didn’t work out.
  • Understanding and addressing the organizational dynamics that can derail your initiative.
  • Crucial considerations in the design of an initiative that can maximize your odds of success.
  • Setting proper expectations and positioning initiatives to ensure support and participation.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a SellingBrew Playbook subscriber.

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